Do you have a pub­lic library card or go to a uni­ver­si­ty? Then you can watch the Oscar-​nominated doc­u­men­tary Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life for free on Kanopy!

The film sweeps from Rand’s child­hood and escape from Soviet Russia through her strug­gles in Hollywood to her even­tu­al tri­umph as the best­selling author of The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. These books sell hun­dreds of thou­sands of copies annu­al­ly after over half a century.

Watch the trail­er for Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life
Y U NO guy asks you to follow & tag
If you’re a Perl pro­gram­mer on Mastodon, Pleroma, Akkoma, Friendica, or any of the oth­er fedi­verse ser­vices, you owe it to your­self to fol­low @[email protected] so you can join the dis­cus­sion with almost 200 of your peers. No wor­ry­ing about miss­ing #hash­tags — if the @Perl group is tagged, you’ll get the mes­sage and so will every­one else.

Tony Levin is far and away my favorite musi­cian. Even before I picked up the bass gui­tar, I kept find­ing his name in the lin­er notes of my most-​liked albums. I’ve seen him play with Peter Gabriel, King Crimson, Stick Men, and with his broth­er Pete play­ing in their Levin Brothers jazz combo.

And of course, once I did start study­ing his bass (and Chapman Stick) lines, they were a rev­e­la­tion. Endlessly cre­ative, both dri­ving and being dri­ven by the song, only showy when the moment called for it, flu­id, some­times fierce, always the per­fect mix­ture of tech­nique and emotion.

I’m due to see Stick Men when they swing down to Houston in . Until then, here’s their lat­est EP: