Bookmarked Perl group chat for the fediverse by Mark GardnerMark Gardner (
It's like a group chat for Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, and the rest. Discuss software development in the Perl programming language.
Y U NO guy asks you to follow & tag
If you’re a Perl programmer on Mastodon, Pleroma, Akkoma, Friendica, or any of the other fediverse services, you owe it to yourself to follow @[email protected] so you can join the discussion with almost 200 of your peers. No worrying about missing — if the @Perl group is tagged, you’ll get the message and so will everyone else.
Favorited GitHub - Perl/perl5 by Perl authors (GitHub)
The Perl programming language

Perl has been my programming weapon of choice since 1994 and a consistent paycheck since 2007. I started [blogging about it][tag/perl] in earnest on New Year’s Day 2021.

This post also serves to test Bridgys new ability to support favorites as well as likes. Because I like many computer languages, but Perl is my favorite. ❤️

[tag/​perl]: “#perl” rel=tag

Liked snarfed/bridgy (GitHub)
Connects your web site to social media. Likes, retweets, mentions, cross-posting, and more... - GitHub - snarfed/bridgy: 📣 Connects your web site to social media. Likes, retweets, mentions, cross...

Been wiring up this blog for IndieWeb and Bridgy is the special sauce that connects it to more siloed social networks

Bookmarked Wikipedia: AppleScript update by Mark GardnerMark Gardner (Wikipedia)
Update infobox: remove unused & invalid values, update current AppleScript version & official website after updating Wikidata; still need to verify earliest macOS release that included this version & update Script Editor page as well

Made my first Wikipedia edit in five years, this time to update some basic info on AppleScript. In the process I learned how to update the AppleScript entry on Wikidata, Wikimedia’s database for populating such things.